Friday, May 7, 2010

The Trons

Here's the Wikipedia entry on robot band The Trons
The performance was in a small theatre, capacity about 200. Was one of several local events taking place as part of New Zealand Music Month. It was truly an all-ages show - everyone from toddlers to a healthy pre-teen boy contingent (hey, robots!) to hipsters to curious old folks who'd read about it in today's paper. My cab driver laughed when I told him where I was going - he'd read about them in the paper and loved the idea.
I really dug it, although the novelty wore thin after about 30 minutes. Mostly original, simple compositions which were constrained by the limitations of the technology. "Smoke On The Water" worked well. The computer module running the show looked super-primitive, like something from a Star Trek (the original series) set. Remote cam technology was incorporated on the screen behind the instruments.
Fascinating to see the infamous Kiwi ingenuity in action, and yes, that is Meccano! Not surprisingly, the search for a drummer was the initial impetus for this band of robots. The brains behind the band, Greg Locke, was a very friendly chap who invited people to come down and take a closer look, take pictures, chat, after the set. I just had to ask whether he was in art school. You know, commentary on disenfranchised musicians, yadda yadda. He's not, but will be next year, in media arts. His background is in computer engineering and music (bass, guitar).
The crowd dug it and was so excited to see it all assembled on stage that they started asking questions before the set instead of waiting until the end.

File this under "must be seen to be believed" - glad to learn that his YouTube video got so many hits. The word is out. Here's an interview with Greg:

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