Sunday, May 2, 2010

The Ho(s)tel Wellington

I've been trying to remember when I last stayed in a hostel. Probably back in late 90’s when I toured a bit in Ireland with my sister. I became well-acquainted with NZ’s hostel system when I was last here in the 1980’s. My recollection is that it was a small but growing network, certainly better than what Canada had at the time but not as developed as Germany or other European countries.

Back then we were still assigned a chore to do before signing out. Which, as you can imagine, made for some dodgy and erratic states of hostel hygiene. New Zealand is well-serviced by hostels these days. As someone I spoke with the other day pointed out, they have to be because there’s been such an influx of young travellers in the last decade.

It seems that even very small towns have at least one hostel, whether it be privately owned, or affiliated with the larger YHA (Youth Hostel Association) or BBH networks. Then there seems to be a ’new kid in town’ group of hostels operating under the brand Base Backpackers. It’s all very much about the branding.

Even YHA, which may or may not still be a non-profit association, has stepped up their game. They’ve branded themselves as the family-friendly, welcoming to older (30+) travellers, quiet-but-fun place to be, at least here in Wellington. It’s a large operation - 6 floors, several hundred beds, beautifully located in heart of downtown near the water and across from a huge supermarket.

I’m in a room with 4 beds (2 bunks) and its own ensuite bathroom. There are also communal bathrooms on each floor which are cleaned several times daily, and two large well-equipped kitchens (cleaned daily after midnight) on ground floor. Posters everywhere and an in-house travel booking desk remind us that tourism is a big business in this country. Most of the adverts in here of course skewed to a younger demo, esp. those with lots of money who love, as one ad puts it, “the adrenaline rush”.

Me? I won’t even do a top bunk (thanks to a nasty fall from one at age 8) so don’t expect to see me doing any of the following, even if I was more flush with funds:

  • White-water rafting

  • Abseiling (still unsure what that is, but sounds scary)

  • Bungy jumping

  • Skydiving, unless really stoned

This hostel is big enough to meet folks and have conversations if you want, or keep to yourself and blend into background if you’re shy, or just cranky.

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