A blustery afternoon in Wellington drove me indoors to tour the national Parliament buildings. Not that a museum/government building geek like myself needs an excuse. New Zealand's buildings are collectively and affectionately known as the Beehive, because, well, see above. This building actually houses the executive wing of government; Parliament sits next door in an older building.
Some factoids I picked up during the tour:
- NZ claims to be the first "true" democracy as they gave women the vote (sort of by accident) back in 1893, the first nation to do so.
- There's a bunker in the basement (National Crisis Management Centre) where gov't can hunker down if there's a serious national disaster, etc. But shouldn't this be in a location away from a government building, an obvious target in case of war? Just a thought.
- I don't remember the numbers, but Maoris are very well represented in parliament, there is a healthy representation of women MPs and MPs of Asian descent also. Probably have their proportional representation system to thank for that. The downside being there's 7 parties represented in Parliament. Does stuff get done? Ask a New Zealander.
- Remember our electoral reform votes, BC voters? And how NZ was held up as a shining example of proportional representation at work? Well, apparently it ain't working so good and is on the block for an overhaul.
- Somehow the upper house was convinced to vote itself out of existence in the 50's. wtf? So there is no "second house of sober thought" here. (not that Canada has one either, mind you)
- New Zealand has 3 official languages: English, Maori and (wait for it..) sign language.
- There's possum fur miniature kiwis for sale in the Parliamentary gift shop.
After the tour I watched debate in the House. Lots of Maori spoken - MP's have access to live translation - since it was about a bill to ratify a recent treaty negotiation in Waikato. (see http://www.scoop.co.nz/stories/PA1005/S00113.htm) Most of public gallery was full of Maoris from the Waikato, women of the iwi (tribe) all sporting blue scarves.
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