Friday, April 30, 2010


Happy Mayday! Note slipped under my hotel room door provides a Wellington weather forecast of "showers, strong, cold southerlies developing early". Followed by a recommendation of a gallery to visit.

Good chance for me to set up this cell, err mobile, phone I bought yesterday. I even figured out on my own that they refer to "pound key" as "hash key".

On the jet lag front, think I'm good! Took an early evening nap yesterday, not best idea but I still made it out to 10pm comedy show a few blocks away. Turns out an act based on card tricks and ninja jokes wasn't bad after all. My 11-year old nephews would have loved it, of course. The comedian (Jay Jarquin, from Christchurch) was a good storyteller and improviser, which helped a lot. My verdict: thumbs up, would make a really good Fringe Festival show.

After a melatonin tablet and good night's sleep I feel great. Also makes a difference having a phone, as I can now tell what time it is! It's been a few years since I wore a watch.

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